Being a Minister at Mass

Being a Minister at Mass

       Our prayer at Mass is everyone’s prayer. At different times we call upon people to help lead the community in prayer.  Who are these people? Actually we all are. Some of us may have particular talents in one area or another, but in a larger sense, we are all called upon to help lead the community in prayer.  Who is worthy to do any of these ministries? In one sense, none of us are. We are all imperfect, we all have our own areas of sinfulness. In another sense, we are all worthy. Since Jesus came to call people who were in need of healing, we are all equally worthy (or unworthy) to help make Jesus present in our common prayer.

To offer your help with any of the following ministries contact Fr. Gene Schroeder ( (812-499-9074) 

or Kirstan Gilles our Director of Liturgy ( or (812-963-3273)



      Cantors lead the congregation in singing at the weekend Masses, Holy Day Masses and other special occasions.


     St. Joseph’s choir accompanies the 8:00 a.m. Sunday mass throughout the year, as well as singing during Christmas and Holy Week celebrations. This group meets Tuesday evenings to practice. Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of music ability. Organ and other musical instruments as available accompany the group. We are always seeking people who have special musical ability and play musical instruments (guitar, bass, keyboard, and other musical instrument players and singers) to enhance our prayer at Mass. Contact Kristan Gilles, our Directory of Liturgy, for more details.



     Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Masses on weekends, Holy Days and other special occasions. Training is provided for all lectors. .



    Eucharistic Ministers serve by distributing Holy Communion at Masses on weekends, Holy Days and other special occasions. New ministers are trained and commissioned.



     Altar Servers assist the celebrant at all Masses during the weekends, Holy Days and other special occasions. Servers may be either boys or girls and are usually in Grades 4-8. New servers are trained each year. High School students are also invited to serve but may want to consider being a Lector or Eucharistic Minister instead.

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