Haiti Special Projects

Haiti Special Projects

     Through the years we have provided money, personnel, and expertise to help our brothers and sisters complete a number of special projects in the parish. Some of these include:

  • Putting a new roof on the parish church
  • Building and equipping a mission chapel
  • Painting and remodeling the Medical Clinic
  • Painting the primary and secondary schools
  • Establishing a clean water source for the parish and the communithy
  • Establishing several micro-finance projects to provide jobs for members of the community. Among these are A Sewing Project and Chicken Farms
  • Providing an emergency source of food for lunches for the children in school

     At various times, individuals have chosen to underwrite the entire cost of a special project. At other times, we have accepted donations from people for specific projects as well as donations to be used for projects as the need becomes apparent. 

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